Latest Accounting / Economics / Finance Jobs in Nigeria today
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Check out the latest Accounting / Economics / Finance jobs availavle in Nigeria today, simply check below and apply for the jobs that you meet their requirements.
Finance Intern ll at Management Sciences for Health (MSH). Careers at Management Sciences for Health (MSH) - Applications are currently invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill up the position of Finance Intern..
Careers at KPMG 2018 - KPMG Nigeria, invites applications from fresh graduates for the position of Audit Graduate Trainee. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First degree in a..
Careers at KPMG 2018 - KPMG Nigeria is currently recruiting for its 2018 Accounting Graduate Academy (Internship) Program, the KPMG Accounting Graduate Academy has been developed to create an opportunity for qualif..
WHO recruitment 2018, Careers at WHO, Jobs at World Health Organization - The World Health Organization (WHO) fresh recruitment for the vacant position of Finance Assistant is currently ongoing in Bauchi, Nigeria...
Graduate Inventory Intern I at Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Jobs 2018, Fresh recruitment at Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Nigeria, Open Vacancies at Management Scienc..
Buhler Nigera jobs - We are looking for a qualified and committed individual to assume the role of Finance, Commercial and HR Administrator be part of our team..
Commercial Finance Analyst,British American Tobacco Jobs - Fresh recruitment for the position of commercial finance analyst is currently open at British American Tobacco Nigeria Nigeria, British American Tobacco..
Fresh Banyan Global Jobs in Nigeria-Banyan Global is recruiting a full-time Finance Specialist to impelment its activities under an upcoming USAID-funded project in Nigeria...
Brosch Engineering Services Jobs in Nigeria - Fresh recruitment for the position of Finance Assistant is currently open at Brosch Engineering Services,  Brosch Engineering Services jobs, Jobs in Nigeria,Fi..
Fresh job recruitment for the position of Learning and Development Associate - Internal Firm Services at PwC
The position supports the unit in various essential tasks such as the implementation of training curriculum fo..
Career opportunity exist for a highly skilled and result driven People PPM Analystreporting directly to the People PPM, West Africa.
The successful candidate will support the implementation of strategies in the Bus..
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist fresh recruitment at International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) in Accra, Ghana. The ideal candidate must have strong mathematical and verbal skills and must have demonstrated..